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Wakad, Pune 57.

 +91 9890372111

Frequently asked questions

Why I am charged to use this website?

We have invested our resources to develop this site and efforts required to keep it updated all the time. Also, we guide students to choose the correct path to succeed in the certification journey. Hence, we charge nominal fees.

What I will get from the membership?

In the members area you will find, blogs, videos, reference books, links to various important sites, YCB (Yoga certification board) registration links and steps, Yoga in news and events happening (Seminar, workshops etc.)

How long I will be member?

Most of the Yoga Teachers trainings are 4 (Level 1) to 6 (Level 2) months long. Hence, you may need the membership for 6 months. Even if your membership is over, you can visit the site to see/check the free for all information.

What if I change the Level in between?

If you have taken membership for Level 1 and after a month or so if you would like to decide to go for Level 2 exam, get in touch with us, we will upgrade the membership with additional payment (difference amount).


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Online Yoga TTC courses

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Self-Paced Yoga TTC courses

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