Mock Test
All set to give the Test?
There are mock tests available for Level 1 Yoga exams. Please choose appropriate test from following.
We recommend you to use Laptop or Desktop to attempt the test. It may not work from mobile/smart phone. Allow your computer to use webcam to capture photo when prompted.
These are sample tests to give you an idea about online exams, please read the instructions before starting the mock test. Enter your Name and E-mail-ID and capture photo. You will receive the results on your mail for reference. It is mandatory to provide this information else test will not start.
There is option to go to ‘Next’ question once you answer the current question, you can also come back to previous question using ‘Previous’ button. If you are not sure about the answer or would like to review the question later before finishing the test, leave the Question, there is ‘Sidebar’ button at bootm right which will show all the questions that question number in Yellow colour, answered/attempted question numbers will be in Green colour, which is not answered/attempted, Question number showing in grey. You can click on that question to go back directly to that question.